Per the requirements of the New Jersey Cemetery Law, the trustees of the Green Cemetery located at 500 Tanyard Road in Deptford, NJ; will hold the annual meeting of the cemetery on Saturday 21 May 2022 at 10 AM (rain date 5/28) in the facility. (see published notice in link below)


The Annual Meeting of the Green Cemetery was publicly announced in accordance with requirements of N.J.S.A 45:27-10 (b), and was held at 10:10 AM on Saturday 21/May/2022 at the facility.

In Attendance were: NONE

plot holder families: __0__. (Dog walking neighbors act as witnesses)

Trustees: Boakes (presenting) as Doorman and Boyer were unable to attend due to prior commitments.

1. The legal statement of purpose was made and the affidavit of publication was displayed.

2. The history of the facility was waived

3. The trustee’s achievements for 2021 were stated.

4. The proposed 2022 objectives were enumerated.

5. The formal portion of the meeting, having been completed at 10:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted, /s/ James Boakes, co-trustee, President

achievements for 2021

1. Facebook Page established

2. 1st Annual Meeting held (may/2021

3. sell unused trailer and financial environment continues to improve

4. continue family outreach

5. Edge Tankard sidewalk

6. Lysholm plot declared abandoned by NJCB

7. Install grave survey posts in section-A

8. NJTA posted signs

9. missing Tanyard fence sections "discovered", pending rebend

10.k sect was mowed

11.NJ granted sales tax exemption; prior taxes refunded

12.Tree stumps continue to be cut

13.2002 building permit was closed

14.Section-k chain link fencing was sold

15.parking easement affirmed by NJCB

16.established contacts Gloucester County Volunteer Program

17.cut back inside of Tanyard fence

18.worked with DT PWorks - clear illegal dumping

19."Historic" trademark granted

proposed 2022 objectives:

1. continue family outreach

2. Realignment and repair of Tanyard Road Fence

3. Demark the property line border with Copperfield development

4. Make Famous Graves

5. Cut thru the Livingston Pathway

6. Continue repair and rehabilitation activities if funded