the following Legal Notice appeared in the SOUTH JERSEY TIMES pn April 25th and 26th 2024:

"Per the requirements of the New Jersey Cemetery Law, the trustees of the Green Cemetery located at 500 Tanyard Road in Deptford, NJ; will hold the annual meeting at the facility on Saturday 18 May 2024 at 10 AM.


Annual Meeting Report 

On Saturday 18-May-2024, the annual meeting of the Green Cemetery Trust was opened at 10:03 AM by James Boakes, President and Co-trustee.

Attendee(s): Jenna Gross

1)     The authorization of the trustees appoint by the Gloucester Country Surrogate was evidenced.


2)     The Legal Notice of this meeting was evidenced as:


a.     Per the requirements of N.J.S.A 45:27-10 (b), “The directors or trustees of a cemetery company shall hold an annual meeting and report at each annual meeting on their activities and management and the condition of the property and affairs of the cemetery company. At least 20 days before the annual meeting a notice of the meeting shall be placed at some prominent place.”


b.     The tear sheet and affidavit from the South Jersey Times which indicates that this meeting as appropriately advertised (in the newspaper) as requirement by law; and on their website; and additionally, this notice was posted on our bulletin board, on cemetery’s internet website, and sent email notices to interested persons.


3)     A brief review of the cemetery’s history was deemed unnecessary.


4)     The following were a brief summary of the Trustee’s action during 2023:

a.     The current grass cutting schedule has been posted on the bulletin board, however due the funding limitations, we can only buy 10 cuts (which is usually before the major holidays).

b.     A brief list of our accomplishments in 2023:

                                                              i.      Initial progress was made to open the Livermore Pathway in D-Section (top of ridge)

                                                            ii.      installed permanent street, section, and path signage

                                                         iii.      formally demarked the Copperfield boundary

                                                          iv.      formally demarked K-Section and

1.     level out K-Section easement access pathway

                                                            v.      registered with NJ Firm Commission as a potential location site

                                                          vi.      Registered and trademarked our LOGO

                                                       vii.      continue to develop group of potential Trustees / advisors by add 2 community counselors

                                                     viii.      reset several stones and monuments

                                                          ix.      identified two mystery graves in the “yard”

                                                            x.      continued general clean-up activities


5)     For the 2024 year, the trustees intended to:

a.     Initiating “Marketing Activities” including enhanced signage and several events, including: attending the Senor Expo (Pitman NJ), providing public tours of the facility.   Installation of permanent signage has been completed.

b.     Major clearing of 2nd Ave and debris

c.      Affirmative landscaping throughout the facility


6)     The formal presentation of the meeting having been concluded, and with no questions – the meeting concluded at 10:09

